Do you own a retirement residence or are considering acquiring and/or operating one? Helping Seniors™ can help you implement marketing and sales best practices for when potential clients and families come on site to visit your community to help shorten your sales cycle.

Over the past 20+ years, we have worked with hundreds of seniors and their families, who have faced a loss of autonomy and eventually needed to relocate. At this critical time in their lives, we have accompanied them through the process of researching, visiting, shortlisting and ultimately selecting a residence/community to move into. It has been our privilege to participate in countless conversations and interactions, learning about their deepest fears and concerns on aging, which we can now share with you.

Helping Seniors™ has visited close to 450 privately-owned and run retirement residences in North America and Europe. From one-person homes to large campuses, or from fully autonomous to full care facilities, each has its own layout, level of care, clientele culture and promotes its services to its target market in a personalized manner.

This is how Helping Seniors™ can help with your marketing and community outreach:

  • Educate your team on the concerns of future clients to ensure your marketing material is targeted to their specific needs
  • Recommend changes to your initial tour or visit according to what visitors actually focus on so as to improve their first impression of your facility
  • Analyze your competition’s activities and reward programs to help you develop a unique positioning for your own service
  • Knowing your potential client is out there shopping different options, details to pay attention to so that your community does not get lost in the shuffle

Contact us to obtain your customized package quote and start shortening your sales cycle today.

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