A reality check as we celebrate International Seniors Day The conversation is quiet. The fear is real. What can we do? First, let’s take a moment to celebrate International Seniors Day by stopping in for a friendly visit, picking up the phone, or lending a hand to an elder. You…
2023: From Bullying to Bulldozing
This year was a big year, as a thought leader, and some of that growth came from a slight modification in wording. It is a narrow lane in which the work is accomplished through Helping Seniors. The focus is to assist our elders when they face a change in their…
Giving Power Back to the Senior in the Room
Often I find myself in a room sitting beside a senior, usually in their own home or at their medical appointment, where everyone is there to help, support or assist the person sitting right next to me, but it is like that person is invisible. One afternoon, while helping an…
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Walk the walk and talk the talk: An open letter to Mr. Legault about the state of senior living
Words similar to this were shared during the press conferences with our Premier Legault in Québec these past couple weeks, due to devasting events caused by COVID-19 regarding our seniors: We need to do better, and we owe it to our elderly population. Together we must take better care of…
“How do I talk to my father about his incontinence?”
“Yeah so my Dad, he is getting older and I see it but no one wants to discuss that he is having ‘accidents’. [Eye contact being avoided and embarrassed while we spoke] How do I bring this up with him? Is so embarrassing.”–I was asked this by an acquaintance when…
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Not all childhood dreams make it to fruition.
The beauty of working with seniors is that I see that there are some eyes that sparkle and some that do not. My goal has always been to be a person that has a twinkle in their eye and to embrace life. So many times I accompany people downsize or…
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Self-Neglect: A thin line
An elderly diabetic smoker lounging on her couch and drinking coffee all day. I clearly remember that client and her situation, even if it was years ago. Yup she lived with her son. Her daughter, living in the neighbourhood, wanted to come in to help manage her insulin as well…
Being a life coach for an 87 year old
What a pleasure it has been for me to sit and speak with an 87 year old lady to help her feel fulfilled at a new stage in life. Recently moved, stopped working and stopped driving all at the same time. Moving. It brings on new systems. New communities. New…