Recently I have been assisting a couple with the question of what the next step in their life is. Both are healthy and in their mid to late seventies. They invited me to discuss: Travel for 6 months? Sell the house? Keep the house? Rent an apartment? Buy a condo?…
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Ideally yesterday. Maybe tomorrow. But for sure not today!
“Well there is no real rush for a move to happen now… let’s wait a bit”……and then a fall happened. A huge hit to the head. An awful fall. An awful situation. Too long a hospital stay. “Is the residence that was the ideal choice still an option?”… We are…
Continue reading » Ideally yesterday. Maybe tomorrow. But for sure not today!
Aging in place
I learned a lot. Yes at 43 I was one of the youngest at the round table at the Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN) conference yesterday. We discussed aging in place. The discussion made me realize that I have aged in place for the past 18 years and that the…
Ah! Receiving what we wish for without putting it in words
Ah! the amazing coffee I recently had in Portugal. My mom not feeling well at a concert. Finding myself fortunate at 43 to still have my Mom alive. These are all thoughts that collided the other day while I was in the shower. Here is the set-up for the coffee:…
Continue reading » Ah! Receiving what we wish for without putting it in words
Discharge from the hospital and going to a retirement residence
So everything is ready for a discharge from the hospital. Due to a desire to move on or to an unfortunate loss of autonomy the sleep tonight will happen at a new address, a private retirement residence. It is a big step. Remember the first day of high school? Is…
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Discharged from hospital and going home
My elderly Mom is ready to be discharged from hospital and ready to go home. What to keep in mind before discharge occurs? Not knowing why she was in the hospital let’s take a look at different situations may it be a physical ailment or a recovery from a sickness.…
Being discharged from the hospital or rehab center? Things to keep in mind.
It has been a long or a short road since your loved one was admitted to the hospital or rehab. Now the next step. So the medical team deems your love one ready to leave their care as medically your loved one is stable or on a rehabilitation level they…
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My letter published in The Gazette
Thought I would share with you that a letter I sent to the Gazette was published today. If you did not get a chance to read the paper (page A16) here is the link:
My parent with Alzheimer’s is moving tomorrow. What should I say?
Recently I received this request, first the client’s question which is followed by my response. This was client’s message: “We have been informed today by a residence in the public sector that there is presently an opening. Should we accept, the move must occur tomorrow. We have accepted. All that…
Continue reading » My parent with Alzheimer’s is moving tomorrow. What should I say?
Finding the ‘best place’
So your thought process is at a stage where you think relocating would be the better option at this point. Then all these questions come to mind….Where? What price? What does it look like? What will the care be like? What about aging in place at that new address? Are…